Testing as a Service

The Aristi Testing as a Service (TaaS) provides continuous testing throughout the year, in manageable intervals customised to your specific needs and risk environment. Testing is conducted on a monthly basis to identify new vulnerabilities so you can remediate them before they are exploited. The service also helps to verify the effectiveness of previous remediation activity and patch management processes.

Organisations typically conduct annual IT Health Checks. Although this is a useful exercise and a key component of a cyber strategy, the time between each test provides ample opportunity for new vulnerabilities to be discovered and exploited. TaaS mitigates this risk by providing a ‘maintenance service’ for your IT systems allowing you to keep your data and system secure, reduce your cyber exposure and meet your data protection obligations.

TaaS provides a ‘critical friend’ to your IT security team, who can call upon our cyber experts for advice and guidance throughout the engagement. As part of the service, we provide ongoing updates on emerging threats so you can proactively protect your IT environment.

0121 222 5630

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