Cloud Security Assessment

Our Cloud Security Assessment is designed to assess your cloud hosted services for security weakness including misconfigurations, that can be exploited by an attacker to gain access to your service. We can assess the configuration of your Microsoft O365, Azure or AWS cloud environments and provide recommendations to help reduce your cyber risks.

With the move to remote working, the reliance on cloud services has increased dramatically, bringing with it increased cyber exposure. Many of the cloud security issues we come across are due to misconfiguration of cloud services, so it is vital that cloud assessments are included in your due diligence before you upload your data. Cloud providers tend to operate a ‘shared responsibility model’ so it is important to understand what you as the client are responsible for and what the cloud provider is responsible for. Generally, the cloud provider is responsible for physical security and ensuring the cloud service itself is secure whilst you are responsible for ensuring your data is secure which includes data security and access control i.e., ensuring that your data is adequately protected, and the right people can access it.

If you are planning to host services in the cloud, we can help embed security onto the design by working with your IT Team or your supplier to assure the service. Our cloud security experts can advise on how to configure, deploy and use cloud services securely by embedding best practice such as the NCSC Cloud Security Principles. We can conduct risk assessments to help identify and manage your cloud risks and meet your obligations under GDPR as well as your business security needs.

If you'd like to learn more about the Cloud, you can read our blog here.